Petrcane is a village and harbour on the coast of the cove bearing the same name, in the Zadar Channel, 15 km northwest of Zadar; population 575.
Chief occupations are farming and fishing.
Petrcane has a beach with a pine forest.
The harbour is well protected; smaller yachts may dock in the harbour. Petrcane lies on the local road, branching off from the regional road Zadar - Nin. In the Middle Ages, Petrcane was one of the estates of the Zadar monasteries of St. Krsevan and Plato. Southeast of the village, along the coast, is the preserved former church of St. Bartholomew (12th-13th c.) with a massive bell tower on the front, later converted into a residential building (Kulina). Remains of mural paintings are found on the walls. Various forms of accommodation (hotels, tourist village, apartments), sports facilities and water sports opportunities, excellent restaurants and entertainment within the large tourist complex (discotheque), as well as cultural and entertainment programs and sightseeing tours in the nearby Zadar make Petrcane a very attractive tourist destination.