POREČ Istria
Poreč is a town of pleasant sun and warm sea, as well as town of many cultural monuments (Euphrasius Basilica from VI st century, The temple of Neptun, Romanesque house and many others.). It is a town of good wine, ham, cheese, olive oil and more then 70 sports activities. It has 165 tennis courts located near to the sea. There are plenty of well-known bars, night clubs, disco clubs restaurants. Plenty camps, hotels, apartments and beaches provides pleasant summer holidays. Organized tours can take you to Venice, Islands of Briuni, City of Pula etc.
Tourism in Poreč
In the mid 19th century, precisely in 1861 Porec became Istria's capital and a seat to a Regional Parliament in Austro-Hungarian monarchy. The aristocracy was the first to discover Porec as a resort. In 1866 Austrian archduchess Stephanie sailed into Porec harbor in her yacht 'Phantasy'. The following year archduke Charles Stephen and archduchess Mary Terese spent summer here, and in 1868 the town hosted Charles Ludwig. Those first tourists-aristocrats initiated the growth of our tourism. This are the beginning of Porec tourism, and today in Porec you can find more then 95.000 places, more then 30 hotels , 13 camping sites and naturist camps, 16 apartments, villas, bungalows, pavilions, and family houses
Prizes: 1. CHAMPION OF TOURISM 1981., 1986., 1996., 1998. - a prize awarded by 'Vecernji list' patrol. An award in tourism with the longest traditional in Croatia. 2. TOURISM FLOWER 1997., 1998., 1999., 2000. and 2001., (I. prize), for the best environmentaly decorated tourist city. A prize awarded by HTZ, and HRTV. 3. TOURIST STAR 1998. (I. prize) for a best prepared tourist city. A prize awarded by HTZ, HINA and HGK. 4. "CHAMPION OF ADRIATIC" 2001. for the best quality tourist city. A prize awarded by HRT, HTZ i HGK. 5. "TOURISM FLOWER" 2001. for the Obala m. Tita. street - best street in an tourist city
History of Poreč
In the 2nd centuy B.C. the roman Castrum was built on a peninsula where the town of Porec is situated today. During the rule of Octavian it was transformed into a city and in the first century proclaimed to be the Colonia Iulia Parentium. After the fall of the Roman Empire different rulers followed one another: Goths, Byzantines, Franks. Late in the 6th century Odoacars and Croats invaded this area and settled around Porec as early as 620. In centuries to come Istria and Porec were ruled by Lombardy, Frank, more then five hundred years by Venice,then Napoleon and Austria, when Porec became the capital of Istria and the seat of Provincial Assembly. A quarter of century Istria was under the rule of Italy and finally in 1943 it was united with Croatia.